• woman doing yoga next to mountains

Elizabeth Trinkaus

About, Career, & Passions:
Elizabeth Trinkaus is the Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Pinnacle View, a life-enrichment company. For over 25 years, she has helped thousands of clients around the world take steps to live their best life.

She is an accredited workshop leader of the Louise Hay Heal Your Life principles, a certified success coach and trainer of the Canfield Success Principles, a certified Pre-Cognitive Re-Educator, and holds a BS in counseling. Elizabeth is the author of Enough Already, Yes You Are, the co-author of Conversations On Success with Deepak Chopra and others, and Success Simplified with Stephen Covey and others.

For decades, Elizabeth has been bringing her expertise to corporations, schools, retreats, and individuals. She has the education, experience, and tools that will provide the opportunity for you to accept that you are already enough, followed by the inspiration to manifest those precious dreams. She offers the avenue for you to experience the ultimate human freedom—the freedom that comes from knowing you can design your own life and live into your new powerful story.

After feeling that she was never enough—in school, on dates, at work, and, well, in life—she went on a quest to discover why. She found two things: One, she was not alone; and two, it’s possible to bust this lifesucking belief.

Because of Elizabeth’s intimate journey of coming face-to-face with her not-enough-ness, she is on a perpetual mission to offer attainable tools for others to own, absorb, and wake up to their worthiness! Her relatable messages will pick you up, inspire you, and set you on a new course. She resides in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, with her life squeeze, Greg, and their two rescue pups.

​Elizaabeth’s Creations:
Elizabeth’s Creations:

Author of Enough Already! Yes, You Are
Co-author of Conversation on Success with Mark V. Hansen and Deepak Chopra
Co-author of Success Simplified with Stephen Covey
RECHARGE Program – for professional women
Work/Life Balance Immersion Program – Cisco Systems
Master Coach and Team Speaker – Cisco Systems
Mighty Mermaid Tribe – a monthly gathering on her pontoon boat for women to recharge their souls
Columnist for American Spa Magazine – creative ideas that motivate employees (2005-2010)
International Retreat Designer and Presenter – customizing soul inspiring gatherings for over 25 years
​About the book:
Enough Already! Yes, You Are will inspire you to wake up to your truest self by crushing the myth that your enough-ness resides somewhere “out there.” Elizabeth offers real-life solutions for you to get who you really are—separate from what you have and do—and provides step-by-step tools to help you live in the powerful present. Best of all: Enough Already! will have you living with more joy and satisfaction now, and will bring more creativity and inspiration to all those important dreams. This book is a collection of the tools and stories she’s found most effective in her quest to help others wake up to their innate worthiness. These pages will pick you up, inspire you, and set you on a new course.

Book testimonials:
“I’ve read Enough Already! Yes, You Are and love it. You don’t have to live with those “not enough’s” and limiting beliefs. Read Elizabeth’s book and gain knowledge and tools to write your new successful story!” -Jack Canfield, co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and The Success Principles

“With wisdom and humor, Elizabeth takes you on a powerful journey for letting go of negative beliefs to accepting the amazing person you are. Complete with inspiring stories, transformative exercises, and poetry, each chapter encourages you to shine. This is a book you’ll treasure and return to many times when you need a reminder that you ARE enough. -Patricia J. Crane, Ph.D. Author, Speaker, Lead Trainer for the Louise Hay Heal Your Life Workshops Worldwide

For more information please visit pinnacleview.net/about/